Will My Rates Go Up If I File An Insurance Claim?
We see it everyday, people are afraid to use their insurance for fear of being punished by their insurance company. This is not the right mindset!
The Purpose of Insurance is to Insure!
Most insurance companies and most consumers have it wrong. Everyone focuses on getting the lowest price. “15 minutes can save you 15% or more on car insurance”, “The Rogers Rate”, “Only Pay For What You Need”, etc. The list goes on and on and everyone knows all the commercials.
These endless commercials have given consumers the wrong impression. Consumers have come to only care about price. It’s a race to the bottom to find the lowest rate, even if it means not using your insurance (that you pay for) when you should.
No, we’re not saying you should use your insurance for tiny, insignificant claims. For instance, if you get a small dent in the side of your car that will only cost $600 to fix, don’t file a claim for that.
What we are saying is when you’re in an accident, it’s not your fault, you have medical injuries, the person that hit you doesn’t have any insurance and your only option is to use your insurance…you should use your insurance!
In some states, like Arizona and California, it is actually illegal for your insurance company to raise your insurance rates because of a not-at-fault accident. Not-at-fault accidents include using uninsured/underinsured coverage (um/uim) and also using med pay.
If you’ve been injured in a not-at-fault accident, you should use your insurance and you should not be scared to use your insurance.
Chase Rasmussen, a personal injury attorney, joined us in the video above and we discussed this in further detail. We also included some images below that will help you understand which accidents and violations will raise your rates and which ones will not.
Check it out and remember: The Purpose of Insurance is to Insure!