
We create a uniform experience for our clients. No matter what department or team member they speak with. To do that, we follow scripts for every call and interaction.

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Sales Scripts

Service Scripts

Sales Scripts

"Hi [Prospect's Name], this is [Advisor's Name] from Heritage. I see you submitted your information for auto insurance; what prompted you to shop your insurance?

{let them answer} 

***Use this conversation to filter out unwanted prospects*** 

“I know insurance is complicated/confusing, so I ask these things to make sure I can actually help you.”   

“To ensure we're a good match, I’m going to ask you a few more questions.” 

Prospect Qualifiers: 

  • Easily manage policy (text/client center/service center). 
  • We maximize discounts, we’ll find all the discounts available. 
  • We educate whether you buy the coverage or not (we ensure you have good coverage). 
  • Homeowner (Heritage)/Renter (Uno). 

Qualifying Questions: 

  • We allow you to easily manage your policy, so we simplify the insurance process through texting, using an online portal, or one of our ins companies service centers - does this work for you? 
  • Our goal is to maximize your savings, do you want me to provide you all the available discounts? 
  • To help you maximize your discounts, we educate our clients. I'll suggest specific coverage and recommend other policies to help protect you. Does that work for?
    • If they push back, just tell the info provided for the auto quote is all that’s needed to generate the other 2 quotes.  

Additional help:

If they say price

"I get why you’re frustrated; it seems like the price of everything is increasing these days."  

If they say a claims experience

"I know it's frustrating when claims aren't handled well. You buy insurance expecting claims to be paid."  

If they say service

"I can understand it’s frustrating when you’re paying a lot of money each month for your insurance and don’t get the type of service you expect."  

"Is there any other aspect of your car insurance that you aren’t happy with or anything specific you're hoping to improve with a new policy?"

Auto, no home/Renters 

Advisor: Hi [Client’s Name], this is [Your Name] from Heritage Insurance. How are you today? 

Transition to Purpose 

Advisor: The reason for my call is to make sure we're covering all your needs. I noticed you have your auto insurance with us, which we appreciate. I was wondering if you’ve thought about bundling your home/renters insurance with us as well? 

2nd Transition if needed:

Our goal is to always educate and advise our clients. I'd love to talk and understand your specific situation with your [policy type] insurance. Do you think discussing this could benefit you? 

  • With the cost of home repairs and construction materials rising, how confident are you with the coverage you have in place? 
  • Are there any specific concerns or challenges you’re facing with your current provider? 
  • Have you recently reviewed your home/renters insurance policy to ensure you're still covered properly? 
  • Are you concerned there could be any gaps in coverage that might leave you paying out of pocket?  
  • Would it help to explore better coverage options for more peace of mind? 
  • How do you know you’re getting the best value for your money? 


Home/Renters no Auto: 

Advisor: Hi [Client’s Name], this is [Your Name] from Heritage Insurance. How are you today? 

Transition to Purpose 

Advisor: The reason for my call is to make sure we're covering all your needs. I noticed you have your home insurance with us, which we appreciate. I was wondering if you’ve thought about bundling your auto insurance with us as well? 

2nd Transition if needed:

Our goal is to always educate and advise our clients. I'd love to talk and understand your specific situation with your auto insurance. Do you think discussing this could benefit you? 

  •  With the rising costs of vehicle repairs and maintenance, how confident are you with the coverage you have in place? 
  • Are there any specific concerns or challenges you’re facing with your current provider? 
  • Have you recently reviewed your auto insurance policy to ensure you're still covered properly? 
  • Are you concerned there could be any gaps in coverage that might leave you paying out of pocket? 
  • Would it help to explore better coverage options for more peace of mind? 
  • How do you know you’re getting the best value for your money? 


Advisor: Hi [Client’s Name], this is [Your Name] from Heritage Insurance. How are you today? 

Transition to Purpose 

Advisor: The reason for my call is to make sure we're covering all your needs. I noticed you have both your auto and home insurance with us, which we appreciate. I was wondering if you’ve thought about adding an umbrella insurance policy to enhance your coverage? 

2nd Transition if needed:

Our goal is to always educate and advise our clients. I'd love to talk and understand your specific situation with your current insurance coverage. Do you think discussing this could benefit you? 

  • With the increasing risks of lawsuits and large claims, how confident are you with the liability coverage you have in place? 
  • Are there any specific concerns or challenges you’re facing with your current coverage limits? 
  • Have you recently reviewed your liability coverage to ensure you're still adequately protected? 
  • Are you concerned there could be any gaps in coverage that might leave you paying out of pocket in case of a major claim? 
  • Would it help to explore better coverage options for more peace of mind? 
  • How do you know you’re getting the best value for your money? 



Hi [Client’s Name], this is [Your Name] from Heritage/Uno Insurance. I hope you’re doing well.

I’m reaching out because I noticed you have your [current line of business] insurance with us, and I wanted to discuss how we might be able to enhance your coverage by bundling it with our [desired line of business] insurance.

Please give me a call back at your earliest convenience at [Your Phone Number]. I look forward to speaking with you. Have a great day!

Below are many examples of "Poke The Bear" questions. You can use these exactly as written, or use them as guidance and a resource to craft your own. 



They aren't sure they need the good coverage we're offering, they're wanting to go cheap.

  1. "How would you handle a situation where you cause a serious accident and the other party sues you for damages beyond what your current insurance covers?"

  2. "Have you thought about the potential legal costs and financial strain if you were found liable for a major accident and didn't have sufficient coverage?"

  3. "What would happen to your assets and financial security if you were sued for an accident and your insurance fell short in covering the damages?"

They don't like the price and are hesitant to move forward, even though they see the value in the coverage that we're offering.

  1. "What would peace of mind and complete financial protection be worth to you if an unfortunate incident were to occur?"

  2. "Have you considered the potential cost difference between paying a bit more now versus the potential high out-of-pocket costs in case of a major accident?"

  3. "If your current insurance doesn't cover you adequately in a serious accident, how would you handle the unexpected expenses?"


Their current policy doesn't expire for another 3 weeks, so they said they'd call back in a few weeks.

  1. "What do you think might happen in the next three weeks that would change your need for better coverage?"

  2. "How would it feel to have the security of knowing you’re already set with better coverage, rather than having to rush into a decision later?"

  3. "Are you aware that insurance rates can change, sometimes even daily? How would you feel if the rate goes up in three weeks when you decide to switch?"



I've been with my same homeowners company for years, I don't want to spend the time to switch when they've done nothing wrong.

  1. "When was the last time you reviewed your homeowners policy to ensure it still meets all your current needs?"

  2. "How confident are you that your current policy would fully protect you in the event of a major claim, especially considering the potential changes in coverage options over the years?"

  3. "Have you thought about the potential benefits and savings you might be missing out on by not exploring other options?"


The coverage you're offering seems more expensive than my current policy, and I'm not sure it's worth the extra cost.

  1. "Have you compared the benefits and protection levels of our policy with your current one to see what additional security you might be getting?"

  2. "What would be the financial impact on you if a major incident occurred and your current policy didn't cover all the necessary repairs and replacements?"

  3. "Are you aware of the potential long-term savings and peace of mind that come with having a more comprehensive policy, even if the initial cost is slightly higher?"



I don't have anything, it's not worth it.

  1. "Have you considered how renters insurance can protect you from liability if someone gets injured in your apartment and decides to sue you?".

  2. "What would you do if an accident happened in your rental and you were held responsible for the damages or injuries?"

  3. "Even if you don't have many possessions, how would you handle the legal costs and potential settlement if you were sued for an accident in your apartment?"

I get it through my apartment complex.

  1. "Have you reviewed the specifics of the renters insurance provided by your apartment complex to ensure it covers all potential risks and liabilities?"

  2. "What would you do if a major incident occurred and the insurance provided by your apartment complex didn't fully cover your personal belongings or liability?"

  3. "Are you aware that many apartment complex policies may not offer comprehensive coverage for personal liability or all types of damage to your belongings?"

Once I issue your policy, I want to make sure I explain next steps as a client of (Heritage). This will also be sent in an email to reference.


  1. E-sign Application:Within 24 hours, you'll receive a text with a link to sign your application electronically. Please review and sign it. If you don't, any declined coverage will be added, increasing your premium.

***If insured with Safeco, Progressive or Travelers, go here and then skip 2 & 3***

You're insured with Safeco/Progressive/Travelers, giving you 24/7 access to our dedicated service team for any questions or policy changes. I'll send you a text and an email with the phone number—please save it and call that number anytime you need help.

  1. How we Communicate/Make Changes/Access Documents:We strive to make managing your insurance as simple as possible. Here’s how:
    • Texting: Texting is the quickest and easiest way to communicate. (Our texting number is: 253-201-4280).
    • Client Center: We have an online portal where you can manage your policy(s).
  2. Service Team: Moving forward, you’ll have a dedicated service team who will be your primary contact for any questions or changes regarding your policy(s).

Thank you once again for choosing Heritage! We're appreciate your business…

Hi [NAME], 

This is [Your Name], I’m just following up on your auto insurance request. I’d love to speak with you and discuss your insurance needs and see if we can save you money. I can gather the necessary info on a quick call, it doesn’t take more than 10-15 min.  

I’ve already sent you an email and text including your insurance quote, so we can also communicate that way as well – whatever is more convenient for you. I’m here to help, no pressure, my goal is to provide (simple) solutions.  

You can reach me directly at (number). Hope to hear from you soon, thanks!  

Service Scripts

“Thank you for calling Heritage, this is  ______________, how can I help you today?”  

Acknowledge what they say and let them know that we need to verify your contact information first: phone, email and address.   

“Thanks for verifying.” 


“As I go through your policy I'm going to review coverages with you and review all of your discounts. Are you ok with that?” 

(As you go through the policy identify any Cross-sell/Coverage Improvements you see) 

- Make change/Help customer  

- Set expectations and thank them for their time. 

Fire/Reject a Client

Option 1:  

Thank you for considering Uno Insurance. Unfortunately, we do not have the appropriate options for your insurance needs at this time. We suggest seeking coverage from other providers who may be able to assist you. Wishing you the best in your search for insurance. 

Option 2:  

We appreciate you reaching out to Uno Insurance. At this moment, we are unable to offer an insurance policy that fits your requirements. We recommend exploring other insurance options available to you. We hope you find the coverage that suits you best. 

Option 3:  

Thank you for reaching out to Uno Insurance. At this time, we don't have any options available for your insurance needs. We recommend exploring other providers who may be better suited to assist you. Wishing you the best in finding the right coverage. 

Poke The Bear Questions

"What would you do if there were a fire and you lost all your belongings?"

I don't have much...

"But where would you live if the apt. was not livable?"

Here is a comprehensive list of "poke the bear" type questions, incorporating various angles from the information on uninsured motorists, rising vehicle prices, and repair costs:

### Angle: Uninsured Motorists

1. "Did you know that about 14% of drivers on the road are uninsured? How would you handle an accident if the other driver didn’t have insurance?"
2. "How confident are you in your current coverage, knowing that 1 in 7 drivers lacks insurance?"
3. "With states like Washington D.C. having uninsured rates as high as 25.2%, how prepared are you for an accident involving an uninsured driver?"
4. "What steps have you taken to protect yourself against uninsured drivers, especially given the recent economic impacts increasing the number of uninsured motorists?"
5. "Have you considered how uninsured motorist coverage can protect you financially, especially in states with high rates of uninsured drivers?"

### Angle: Rising Vehicle Prices

6. "With the average price of a new vehicle now over $48,000, how prepared are you to cover the full cost of repairs or replacement if you were involved in an accident with an uninsured driver?"
7. "Considering the significant rise in vehicle prices, have you reviewed your liability coverage to ensure it’s adequate to cover damages to more expensive cars on the road?"
8. "How would you handle the financial burden if your expensive vehicle was totaled by an uninsured driver?"
9. "Have you thought about increasing your coverage limits to match the rising costs of vehicles and repairs?"
10. "What impact would an accident with an uninsured driver have on your finances, especially with new car prices continuing to rise?"

### Angle: Repair Costs

11. "With repair costs increasing significantly, how does your current policy help you manage out-of-pocket expenses in case of an accident?"
12. "How confident are you that your insurance will cover the high cost of repairs if an uninsured driver hits your car?"
13. "Given the rise in repair costs, have you checked if your insurance covers the full amount needed for potential damages?"
14. "What’s your plan if you’re involved in an accident and the at-fault driver has no insurance, especially considering the high cost of vehicle repairs today?"
15. "Have you considered how higher repair costs might affect your finances if you’re in an accident with an uninsured driver?"

### Angle: Comprehensive and Collision Coverage

16. "Have you reviewed your comprehensive and collision coverage recently to ensure it aligns with the current market value of your vehicle?"
17. "Considering the increase in vehicle prices, have you adjusted your collision coverage to avoid being underinsured?"
18. "How does your current comprehensive coverage protect you against the rising costs of vehicle repairs and replacement?"
19. "Are you aware of how much your collision coverage would pay out if your car, now more expensive, was totaled?"
20. "What measures have you taken to ensure your comprehensive coverage reflects the true value of your vehicle given the market trends?"

### Angle: Economic Impact

  • How has the economic impact of the recent pandemic affected your view on the importance of having adequate auto insurance coverage?
  • With more people driving uninsured due to economic challenges, how are you protecting yourself and your vehicle?
  • Have you considered the financial strain an accident with an uninsured driver could place on you, given the current economic conditions?
  • In light of the economic downturn, what steps have you taken to ensure your auto insurance is sufficient?
  • How would an accident with an uninsured driver impact you financially, especially in today’s economic climate?