Does Car Insurance Cover Transmission Repairs? 


When your car’s transmission suddenly fails, you may be wondering if your car insurance policy will cover the cost of repairs. No one likes being stuck with an unexpected transmission repair (I know, I’ve dealt with 2 in the past year!) In this article, we’ll answer the question of whether or not car insurance covers transmission repairs. 

What is car insurance?  

Before we answer the question, let’s talk about what car insurance is (believe it or not, many people lack a basic understanding of car insurance). Car insurance is a type of insurance that can help protect you and your car in case of an accident or other covered event. Car insurance typically includes liability coverage, which can help pay for damages and injuries you cause to others (and are getting sued for), as well as comprehensive and collision coverage, which can help pay for damages to your car in case of an accident.

Does car insurance cover transmission repairs?  

Now we’re ready to answer the question at hand. Does car insurance cover transmission repairs? The answer is, it depends on your car insurance policy. Surprise, surprise! If you haven’t learned by readying our blog yet, the answer is almost always “It depends”. If you have comprehensive coverage car insurance policy, then your policy may cover transmission repairs if the damage is caused by a covered event, such as an accident, theft, or natural disaster. 

However, if your transmission simply goes out or breaks due to mechanical issues or normal wear or tear, insurance will not cover that. Remember, insurance is designed to NOT cover general maintenance and repair.  

Also, if you only have liability coverage, then your car insurance policy will not cover transmission repairs. Liability coverage only covers damages and injuries you cause to others in an accident, not damages to your own car. 

In conclusion, whether your car insurance policy covers transmission repairs depends on your coverage and the reason it was damaged. If you have comprehensive coverage, then your policy may cover transmission repairs if the damage is caused by a covered event, such as an accident, theft, or natural disaster. If you only have liability coverage, then your policy will not cover transmission repairs. It’s important to review your car insurance policy to understand what it covers and what it doesn’t cover. 

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