What if Car Insurance Doesn’t Pay Enough?

insurance claim min

As an insurance agent, one of the most common questions you’ll receive from clients is “what if my car insurance doesn’t pay enough on my claim?” This is a valid concern, as no one wants to find themselves in a…

Does Hail Damage Claim Raise Car Insurance Rates?

does hail damage claim raise car insurance rates

As an insurance brokerage, we get this question quite often from clients who are concerned about their insurance rates going up after filing a hail damage claim. The answer to this question is not straightforward, as it depends on various…

Can A Car Be Repossessed for No Insurance? 

Car repossessed for no insurance

As an insurance broker, one of the most common questions we receive from clients is “Can a car be repossessed for no insurance?” The short answer is yes, it is possible for a car to be repossessed for not having…

Does My Car Need Insurance If I’m Not Driving It?

Car insurance

As an insurance brokerage, we often get asked the question, “Does my car need insurance if I’m not driving it?”   The answer to this question is not a straightforward yes or no, as it depends on the circumstances. Let’s explain:…

Is Car Insurance A Scam?

Insurance a scam?

Are insurance companies trying to rip you off? Is car insurance a scam? You may not not want to take the opinion of an insurance broker, but we’ll be honest and unbiased in our take… so read on. Our honest…

ACV vs RCV | Homeowners Insurance – Which is Better?

rcv vs acv

What is the difference between “Actual Cash Value” (ACV) AND “Replacement cost value” (RCV)? Which one is better? There are huge differences between these two coverages and if you have a homeowner’s insurance policy you need to know the difference.…

How Do Car and Home Insurance Deductibles Work?


The deductible is the amount of money that you are responsible for in the event that you file an insurance claim. In other words, the deductible is the amount of money that the insurance company subtracts from your claim pay-out.…

Does Car Insurance Cover Hit And Run Parked Car?

Hit and run accident

Car insurance can cover you for hit-and-run accidents. However, if you don’t have the correct coverage on your auto insurance policy, you may be out of luck if you’re the victim of a hit and run accident. The last thing…

What Happens If An Excluded Driver Gets Into An Accident?

Car Insurance Excluded Driver

What does an excluded driver mean on your car insurance policy? Before we can clearly understand excluded drivers on a car insurance policy, we first need to understand how drivers are listed on a auto insurance policy. Two Types Of…