Best Insurance Companies For 2022

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What’s the best car insurance? What’s the best homeowners insurance? Why are they the best insurance company? And what things should you be looking for when trying to find the best insurance company for 2022?

We compiled lots of information, spoke with insurance agents across the country and took our own experience into consideration, and compiled the top three insurance companies that you should look out for in 2022.

What Factors Do We Consider?

Price plays a small factor in considering best car insurance and best homeowners insurance companies of 2022, but it’s actually a very small factor. It’s not nearly important as:

  • The quality of company
  • Who offers the best insurance coverage
  • The best customer service insurance companies
  • Which insurance company is best at paying claims

When you’re trying to find the best home insurance and the best car insurance company, you should take all of these things into consideration. That’s what we’ve done. And we have the top three insurance companies of 2022.

1. Openly | Best Homeowners Insurance

The first I company that you should look out for in 2022 is Openly Insurance. Now you may be thinking, “Who is Openly Insurance? I have never heard of them.” That’s because they are a relatively newer company, but they are an awesome company.

They’re what’s called an InsureTech company and basically all that means is they are dedicated and obsessed with making the insurance buying process as simple and stress-free as possible.

Let’s talk about what makes Openly one of the best homeowners insurance companies. The only product they offer for now is home insurance.


Their service is fantastic, both from an agent’s perspective and from a client’s perspective. You can go on their website even if you are not a client, and if you have questions about coverage, their policies, anything to that nature, there is a live chat feature. You can chat them and get answers immediately without having to even pick up the phone.

Coverage Options

Openly’s coverage options is what makes them so impressive and what makes them one of the top three insurance companies of 2022. If you do a homeowners insurance comparison you’ll quickly see they a step above the rest when it comes to coverage options.

They offer dwelling coverage guaranteed up to $5 million. So what this means is even if your home is only worth $500,000, they still give that guaranteed replacement cost of up to $5 million. This simply gives you the peace of mind that if your home were to burn completely down or something destroyed it completely (as long as coverage applies) you would have that coverage up to $5 million if you needed it to repair or replace your home.

Another really cool feature that most insurance companies don’t offer is you can purchase liability coverage of up to $1 million. Most insurance companies don’t offer that. Most only offer up to $500,000. If you want more than that, you have to buy an umbrella policy, but with Openly you can get it up to $1 million. And the really cool thing is it only costs an extra couple bucks a month to add that awesome coverage feature.

Openly also gives you the ability to add the home share endorsement to a normal homeowner’s policy. Most of the time if you’re going to be renting your home out on Airbnb, you have to go and get a separate policy that isn’t as good. With Openly, you can have a normal home insurance policy and simply add that endorsement, and boom, you have that coverage. Very simple, very easy and very inexpensive.

They also have a wide open underwriting appetite. What does this mean? There are a lot of companies that won’t take you because of certain dogs or because you have trampolines or because you have a pool or a diving board or a slide. Openly doesn’t do that, they don’t care. They will take you as long as you meet all of their requirements.

And then the last thing we’ll touch on when it comes to coverage with Openly is they only offer HO5 policies. We have another video about the difference between HO3 policies and HO5 policies. You can check it out here, but the simple story is HO5 policies are superior to HO3 policies and Openly offers HO5 policies. So long story short, Openly has fantastic coverage options.


A question we often get is “which insurance company is best at paying claims”. This is a valid question and very important, after all, it’s why you have insurance to begin with. So, how is the claims process with Openly? It’s fantastic. Of course it’s fantastic, that’s why they’re one of the top three companies of 2022.

Very simple, very easy, very efficient process with claims adjusters that respond to you quickly and efficiently. No issues when it comes to claims.


Does Openly have the best insurance rates? A lot of people care about price. Which shouldn’t be the main factor in trying to figure out who your insurance should be with, but their rates are fantastic. They have some of the best homeowners insurance rates in the country! In fact, in some cases, I think they’re underpriced. I think their prices are too good.

Progressive Insurance

The second insurance company that you should look out for in 2022 is Progressive. Yes, everybody knows Progressive, but let’s talk about what makes Progressive so awesome and why you should consider them as one of your insurance companies in 2022.


Everyone knows Progressive is one of the best car insurance companies, but did you know they also have a lot of other products. You can basically insure everything you own with Progressive: auto, home, umbrella, motorcycle, ATV, trailer, toy hauler. Pretty much anything you can think of, Progressive insures it and they have great coverage options on everything.


Their service is also fantastic, probably one of the best customer service insurance companies. 24/7/365. Even if you can’t get ahold of your agent because it’s a Saturday night or it’s Christmas, it doesn’t matter. You can always pick up the phone and call Progressive directly and there will be somebody there that can help you answer your questions, add a new vehicle, file a claim, whatever it may be, Progressive is there anytime you need them.

Their technology is also awesome. They are definitely a company for 2022; they are not stuck in 1995. They have a fantastic phone app that you can download and access everything that you need: your ID cards, call for roadside assistance, whatever it may be, their app has you covered.


Now, let’s talk about some of the great coverage that they offer. They offer the rideshare endorsement. So if you’re driving for Uber or any type of similar company, you can simply add that endorsement to your existing auto policy and you’re covered. And it’s not that expensive to add.

Progressive is usually really good for young drivers. They have great pricing for young drivers. So if you have a young driver and other insurance companies have been too expensive, Progressive is somebody that you want to check out because they have great pricing for young drivers.

And here’s the cool thing about Progressive. They’re really not going to exclude anybody. They have coverage options from the very bottom with state minimum, all the way up to best insurance coverage. So it doesn’t really matter where you’re at in life or how much coverage you need, Progressive has options that can take care of you at a good price.


How are their claims? Well, their claims are awesome as well, they are one of the best at paying claims. You can utilize their technology that we talked about by tracking your claim on your phone, contacting your claims adjuster, making notes, etc. They make the whole process very simple using technology. And they also respond very quickly and very efficiently.


If you’re wondering how to get the best car insurance rates, just call Progressive! Like I already touched on, they have great pricing for young drivers, but they have great pricing across the board. Progressive is definitely someone that you need to check out if you’re looking for new insurance in 2022.

Chubb Insurance

The third company that you should check out if you’re searching for new insurance in 2022 is Chubb. You may not have heard of Chubb, but Chubb is a fantastic company. They are the cream of the crop, a high-end insurance company. High-quality concierge service.

They are a high-end insurance company that treats you like a high-end customer. Chubb is also listed on Forbes list of one of the best insurance companies of 2022. Chubb also protects all of your valuables: auto, home umbrella, jewelry, your boat. Pretty much anything you can think of, Chubb covers it.

The cool thing about Chubb is you don’t have to worry about selecting the right policy. For most of their products they have one policy and that policy gives you some of the best coverage in the industry. It includes everything that you would expect when you hear the word high-end insurance. In fact, many of the coverage options that they have automatically on their home insurance policy or auto insurance policy is something that you have to pay extra and make sure you add on when you’re dealing with other insurance companies. With Chubb, it’s simply on the policy automatically. Chubb by far has some of the best comprehensive car insurance and home insurance products in the market.


We talked about the word high-end. So when you think of claims, what does that mean? Well, they have their concierge claims service, which is a step beyond any other insurance company that I’ve worked with. They really hold your hand and treat you like a high-end client when you have a claim and you need their help.

You hear all the commercials about all the insurance companies. And all they talk about is how much money they can save you. Chubb takes a completely different approach and they talk about the best coverage that they can get you.

So if you’re solely shopping on price, which as we talked about you should not be doing, don’t even look at Chubb. But if you’re concerned about getting the right coverage, the best coverage in the business, the high-end coverage, well, then you need to look at Chubb because that’s what they focus on.

Conclusion – Best Insurance Companies

All right, guys. So that is the top three insurance companies that you should look for in 2022: Openly, Progressive and Chubb. Like I said, we’ve dealt with all these companies personally, other agents have around the country and most all of them agreed these are three awesome companies and you should look out for them in 2022.

If you’re not sure where to begin, you’re not sure how to shop your insurance, reach out to us. We’re more than happy to shop the insurance, give you our honest unbiased opinion and make it our focus to find you the best coverage for your specific needs at the best price. Thanks for watching, guys. We’ll see you in the next video.

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