All insurance policies are NOT created equal!
There is no such thing as an agent comparing “Apples To Apples” when it comes to insurance policies.
Read your policy and know what’s in it!

Take a look at this picture.
The top is a Safeco policy and the bottom is a Progressive policy.
When you buy a new vehicle and have an existing Safeco policy, you have automatic liability coverage for 30 days.
But you only have automatic “full coverage” for 4 days (assuming you don’t have another vehicle on your policy with “full coverage”).
So if you want “full coverage” on your new vehicle, you’d better call Safeco within 4 days.
Now look at the bottom policy, Progressive’s policy:
If you buy a new vehicle, and have an existing Progressive policy, you have automatic liability coverage for 30 days.
BUT, you have NO automatic “full coverage”, not even for 4 days (like Safeco offers).
What this means is this: if you do not have a current vehicle on your policy that already has full coverage, and then you go and buy a brand new vehicle, and then you go and crash that vehicle on the way home, before you told your insurance company, you are out of luck, you do not have “full coverage”.
The problem is, there are 100’s of examples like this. Every single policy is different.
And if all your shopping on is price and comparing limits “apples to apples” then you are making a huge mistake and putting your financial future at risk.
Check out the YouTube Live Chase Rasmussen and I recorded. We talked about reading your insurance policy, whose responsibility it is to read it, and why you should read it.
This is an episode you don’t want to miss!